Dr. Meharg is Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Economics at the Royal Military College of Canada. She is Canada’s authority in post conflict reconstruction and specializes in the whole of government approach to international operations. Dr. Meharg focuses on cultural, security and economic reconstruction in post-conflict and post-disaster environments such as Afghanistan, Haiti and the Balkans. Sarah has been consulting government departments and businesses for 15 years and is a recognized expert in managing interests between defence, diplomacy and development stakeholders.


Sarah has received numerous commendations for developing her unique theory of conflict– identicide (1997) – which defines the precursor stages of genocide Dr. Meharg serves, or has served, as a research fellow with organizations such as the Centre for Security and Defence Studies (CSDS), the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI), and the Security and Defence Forum (SDF). She has a unique specialization in connecting defence, humanitarian, government, academic and private sector interests.

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